We are a community of nonprofit members of the Loudoun Chamber with an emphasis on helping nonprofits collaborate and communicate their mission, value and engagement opportunities to Loudoun County’s business community through a variety of stellar networking, collaborative and education opportunities.
Foundation Grant Info Sign-Up for Email Updates
Meeting Information
NOTE: Committee Meetings are being held in person with an option to attend virtually. If you would like to participate, please contact Chamber Staff Liaison.
Date: 3rd Tuesday of each month
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Location: Chamber Office
To attend: All guests are welcome. Email the staff liaison to confirm the date and location for this month’s meeting.
In Partnership With
Kim Tapper
A Place To Be
Vice Chair
Val Walters
Ryan Bartel Foundation
2024 Loudoun Nonprofit Initiative Sponsors
Signature Series Sponsor
Premier Series Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors