Spotlight on the Finalist: Brand Mirror
Thank to Jen Dalton, owner of Brand Mirror for answering a few questions, and congrats on your nomination!
1. What would it mean to you and your company to win a Small Business Award?
Being nominated and winning would be a great honor and would mean that we really are making a difference helping entrepreneurs and executives tell their story in a compelling and differentiated way that resonates with their clients. If we are helping others gain visibility and make a more intentional impact, then we are delivering on our promise. It is all about increasing our clients relevance to help them engage their team more effectively, build their relationships with current clients, and get on the radar with new clients.
2. What business person has influenced you the most?
Seth Godin is a huge inspiration when it comes to challenging conventional wisdom. In his recent book, “When It’s Your Turn, and It’s Always Your Turn”, it really highlights the concept of being intentional and delivering on your unique promise of value. His other groundbreaking books highlight a brilliant personal brand well executed.
3. If you weren’t running your own business, what would you be doing?
I would be teaching and doing musical theater. On the side, coaching local rowing teams.
4. What book are you reading right now?
The Hard Thing About Hard Things, by Ben Horowitz
5. What is your favorite app?
Priority Matrix
6. If you had a full 24 hours off, and your family was out of town, what would you do?
Read, do karaoke, and watch movies.
7. What is the smallest thing that has had the largest impact on your business? Becoming a Vistage speaker has been a small thing (although a huge moment for me) that has definitely had a large impact on visibility and meeting interesting and amazing people. Choosing the right communities to engage in is critical, the Loudoun Chamber, Million Cups Advisory Board, and the George Mason Women in Business Initiative have also been great as far as meeting interesting people and building meaningful relationships.
Thanks Jen! Check out Brand Mirror’s website here.