SBA Finalist Spotlight: Loudoun Sports Therapy Center
Thank you to Loudoun Sports Therapy Center for answering a few of our questions.
Congratulations on being named a finalist in the Health & Wellness category!
The 24th Annual Loudoun Small Business Awards will be on November 1, 2018 – Tickets/More Info Here
1. Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?
I grew up in Herndon and always wanted to give back to my local communities in Loudoun and Fairfax Counties. I helped open LSTC in 1993 while working as a rehab director for Reston Hospital Center. At the time, they were expanding their outpatient services and a satellite physical therapy clinic was a good fit.
In the early 2000’s the company that owned LSTC began to take a different approach to patient care. They weren’t interested in dealing with insurance companies or continuing to help the community to the same degree.
My purpose never changed; it was always about making sure that I kept the patients’ best interests in mind. I wanted to ensure that I was able to continue helping patients fully recover rather than giving in to insurance companies. Being able to expand the clinic’s services and giving back to the community were very important to me.
It was around that time, when the hospital starting closing the outpatient facilities. In 2004, I had opportunity to purchase Loudoun Sports Therapy from the hospital and I took that chance. Being the owner of LSTC has allowed me to continue to provide care to the community I grew up in and one in which I am raising my own children/family.
I take pride in the fact that while my staff has changed over the years as folks have started new life chapters or moved out of the area, the consistent thread in anyone who works or has worked at LSTC is to provide the best care possible to our patients. We were honored to be voted Loudoun County’s Favorite Physical Therapy Practice for the Loudoun Now’s 2017 and 2018 Contest and we are also very proud to have been named the Runner Up for the Best of Loudoun’s 2017 contest.
2. What would it mean to you and your company to win a Small Business Award?
To win a Small Business Award would be an honor for my company as it would be an acknowledgment of the great work that we do to help the community in so many ways. Often times as healthcare providers we lose sight of the fact that we help so many people in many ways that we often don’t get a chance to see. For example, as physical therapists it is our role to rehabilitate a patient back to a level of function during their day or with particular activities. The great thing about being able to do so is that we know we complete this goal but the downside is that we rarely get to see them at this level of function after they complete their care. An award such as a Small Business Award would be the icing on the cake to not only know that we are successful in helping the community but be acknowledged by it as well. It is my goal as the owner, as well as that of each and every staff member here at Loudoun Sports Therapy Center that we improve the condition of our community. This award would be the affirmation that we are indeed being successful to the point that others have taken notice and recognize that we are heads above.
3. If you weren’t running your own business/working at this business, what would you be doing?
I honestly do not know what I would be doing if I wasn’t running my own business. In the years prior to my becoming the owner and then since I became the sole owner of Loudoun Sports Therapy it has been my primary purpose to improve the community that I both live and work in. I can honestly say that running my own business is my life’s purpose as it gives me the ability to help the community in so many ways. As my business has become more and more successful I have ensured that not only do we produce excellent outcomes for our patients but that I provide a great work environment for my staff. In an ever changing environment of health care it is becoming more and more difficult for small practices to thrive and allow their staff freedom and autonomy to grow as professionals. I truly do relish the fact that I am able to do this in my own practice and provide a great environment for my staff as well. Additionally, I take great pride in the fact that we go above and beyond to help our community through additional non care related things such as our involvement with Toys for Tots, Semper K9, Ronald McDonald House, and more. As my business has expanded it has allowed me the opportunity to expand my reach and help the community in more ways and I can not imagine doing anything else.
4. What book are you reading right now? / What is your favorite book?
My kids will laugh at me for this but I am not a big reader, I much prefer books on tape (this way I hear someone else’s voice reading it instead of mine). In any case, I am currently listening to a book called “Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit”. As my business has expanded over the past few years, I have made a point to always find ways to improve the service that we provide to the community. I will admit I went through a point about 15 years ago where reading was a chore for me and I would find anything to do instead of read, however, I have really come back to it as I see the value in gathering others points of view, learning other ways to do things and how I can tie that into my own approach. So this book I am reading right now really fits that need and is causing me to really see some great additional ways we can be a larger part of our community and build on the exceptional service we currently provide.
5. If you have 24-hours off, and your family was out of town, what would you do?
If I have 24 hours off and the time all to myself, I would do two things. First, I would find something to do outside. This usually involves something in my garden, going for a walk, or starting some new project in the yard. Second, I would spend a little bit of time working on things that will make my business better. I find that when I am by myself, I have the best opportunity to think things through and plan things out. I have come up with many great ideas of how we can provide better services or interactions with our patients during these times.
6. What is the smallest thing that has made the largest impact on your business?
The smallest thing that has made the largest impact on my business is me taking the time for me. Whether that’s the time I take to be outside in the yard, coaching a soccer team, training myself, or any other action such as these, I have found this to be the single most successful thing. I think that the strength I gain by improving myself allows me to help to improve my staff. The clarity I get from “relaxation time” allows me to give greater clarity to others. So in short, I would say that my ability to help myself has allowed me to help others exponentially.
7. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? / What was a childhood dream that you had?
When I was a child I wanted to be a firefighter. I loved the tv show “Emergency” with the character Johnny Gage and dreamed of being a fire fighter. As I look at this now I think that even at that early age I had a strong desire to help others and improve the environment around me.
8. Who is the one person that has influenced you the most in your career?
The people who have influenced me the most are my parents. From an early time in my life, my parents instilled in me the importance of making a difference in my community and with those around me. You can see this is an important part of who I am as an adult and business owner. I would say that my parents helped guide me to the point where the decisions that I make in life are always made from standpoint of how will this impact and improve the lives of others. As a business owner, I look to improve the lives of my employees and the people we interact with and this is something that I can remember learning early on in life.
9. What is your favorite thing about running a business in Loudoun County?
My favorite thing about running a business in Loudoun County is that I know it is helping to improve the community that I grew up in and that my children have and are growing up in. Making a difference in the community is so important to me and whether that be through my business, my involvement in Boy Scouts, my involvement in youth sports, or other aspects of my life, I want to make a positive impact here.
10. If you’re not in the office where can we find you?
If I am not in the office, you can most likely find me on a soccer field. While I played very little organized soccer growing up as a child, this sport has surpassed my love for baseball in recent years. Year round, I am a girls’ high school soccer coach at Loudoun Valley High School and in the fall and winter, I coach a high-level girls’ travel soccer team based out or Leesburg, VA. Not only do I love teaching the game of soccer and improving the skills of the girls that play for me, I really love the fact that I have an opportunity to make an impact in their lives. I take great pride in being a part of their younger years and helping them to become young adults who are ready for the challenges they will encounter in their futures whether it be in college or later in life.
11. What is your favorite weekend activity in Loudoun County?
My favorite weekend activity in Loudoun isn’t really restricted to one particular thing. I grew up right here and I have enjoyed seeing this area grow and turn into a great area that has so much to offer. I can’t say I have one favorite activity over another. However, living in Purcellville, I do take great advantage of the parks and open space that we have to offer out our way. I am definitely an outdoors person and therefore, my favorite weekend activities would be pretty much anything that has me outdoors.