Health & Wellness: When is it time for home care?
Thank you to Toni Reinhart, of Comfort Keepers for this information! (photo via Comfort Keeper’s Facebook page)
“When is it time for home care?”
I’m asked this question frequently. It’s hard to evaluate our own parents and recognize change. After all, they’re our parents… they’ve always been in charge.
Well, here are a few things to consider:
1. Has your parent experienced a recent emotional or medical crisis?
2. Is your parent bathing less often or maybe not even at all?
3. Has your parent or loved one experienced a recent fall or two?
4. Have social activities stopped or diminished?
5. Have you noticed recent weight loss?
If you’ve answered yes to one – or maybe even a few – of these questions, it’s probably time to start looking at home care. But, the discussion of senior care with aging parents is a difficult conversation to have. So, where do you begin?
First, it is important to remember that this will probably be you some day – so put yourself in their shoes. Just because your parents have aged, doesn’t mean they have changed as people. Respect them as individuals and not just as your parents. Listen more than you talk – allow them to clearly and freely voice their concerns. Many of the seniors whom we currently care for began conversations months before they finally accepted the concept of home care – so be patient!
You can find more resources on our website: Herndon-248.comfortkeepers.com. Or call us, we are available to answer questions 24/7.
– Posted by Toni Reinhart, Comfort Keepers
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