BizVotes Round-Up: Week of June 8th
BizVotes roundup: This week on the campaign trail June 8-12
Post by Brian Fauls, Government Affairs Manager
After last week’s insanity this week’s relative calm was a relief. Even so, the campaign silliverse never stops turning. Here’s what you missed:
- Loudoun’s GOP (all 1..2..3.. 14 of them – I really thought there were more) came together around the proverbial campfire to share their feelings about one another: Article
- The Board of Elections gave us a peek at the official ballot for the November 3rd election (no more candidates, seriously… I mean it…. I’m watching you over there in the corner…NO): Article
- And, Beth Huck officially entered the race for School Board (which was kind of anticlimactic since we’d seen the ballot a day earlier… SPOILERS): Article
- Keep your eyes glued to our BizVotes Facebook page for all the news as it happens.
Great! So what is the BizVotes Election Campaign?
The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce is committed to educating Loudoun’s voters on where the candidates for state and local offices stand on the important business and community issues affecting Loudoun County. We provide our members and your employees with the resources and information you need to make it to the ballot box and vote for the candidate you believe will best support Loudoun County’s economy and quality of life.