BizVotes Round-Up: Week of July 13th
BizVotes Round-Up: Week of July 13th
Post by Brian Fauls, Government Affairs Manager
A brief hiatus – okay I was on vacation – we’re back with the latest campaign news.
- We started the week by getting to know a few of the candidates running for the Board of Supervisors: Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4
- Then we delved into the mysterious world of campaign special interest groups by examining their efforts to knock off Senator Dick Black: Article
- And we found out that those efforts may be paying off (no pun intended) because at least in terms of money, Sen. Black seems to be running behind: Article
- While in contrast, Senator Black’s colleague Senator Barbara Favola, seems to be enjoying a completely ridiculous fund raising lead on her opponent: Article
That’s about it from the campaign trail for this week.
In other news, Loudoun County’s Office of Elections is holding three training session for groups interested in running Voter Registration drives. Virginia law requires all individuals or organizations requesting twenty-five (25) or more voter registration applications from the State Board of Elections (SBE) or local voter registration offices to register and complete SBE certified training annually.
Information on the training sessions can be found online at the Office of Elections website.
Keep your eyes glued to our BizVotes Facebook page for all the news as it happens.
Great! So what is the BizVotes Election Campaign?
The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce is committed to educating Loudoun’s voters on where the candidates for state and local offices stand on the important business and community issues affecting Loudoun County. We provide our members and your employees with the resources and information you need to make it to the ballot box and vote for the candidate you believe will best support Loudoun County’s economy and quality of life. More Info