Behind the Business: Sadie Bauer, CBDx
Behind the Business: Sadie Bauer, CBDx
Thanks to Sadie, an active member of the LoudounYP group at the Chamber, for answering a few questions!
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1. What is your role at CBDx?
My role at CBDx is the Account Executive. I’m responsible for business development and maintaining relationships with customers that we already have.
2. What is your company’s mission/purpose?
Our company’s mission is to help organizations achieve their business goals through (strategic x smart) marketing and communication.
3. How did your career at CBDx start out?
It’s actually still a pretty new venture for me. I just started with the firm seven months ago and it was my first time in a role with marketing.
4. How did you get to where you are today in your career?
I’d say building good relationships, being comfortable in my own skin, and constantly striving to take myself outside of my comfort zone. I was actually scheduled to start another job when Kevin Arbogast (Toth Financial) reached out to me with this opportunity. I didn’t feel qualified for the job I have now base on their job description so at first I didn’t even think to apply. Then a series of events led me to reach out and setup an interview (what was the worst that could happen?). That’s when Sim (the owner) said whoever hired me was just going to have to have a little faith in me (as a hairstylist before, I developed a lot of great skills, but not necessarily ‘office’ skills). Thank goodness he had that faith in me and offered me the job! I couldn’t be happier and feel I’m exactly where I should be right now.
5. When did you know you wanted to be involved in the marketing/communications field of business?
I knew I wanted to be involved in the marketing/communication field of business as soon as I came in for that interview. The office was so warm and the people were so welcoming. I got the vibe that these people were happy to show up to work everyday and that was something I hadn’t experienced in my previous positions. When I took a look at CBDx’s website and started reading reviews on the company, I started to get really excited about the opportunity for a new challenge and to learn some new things. Our company is all about helping other organizations optimize their results through marketing. Seeing how happy these organizations are with their results is extremely rewarding.
6. How did you get involved at the Chamber?
Sim has been a Chamber member for years and is actually on the board so when I started with CBDx, he started taking me to Chamber events and introducing me to people. As an Account Executive, one of my roles is to build new relationships and the Chamber has been incredible for that. I also joined the YP Committee early on and just recently became the service co-chair of the committee. I’ve loved being involved in the committee because I’ve made new friends, business-acquaintances, and it’s opened up the opportunity for me to give back to our community. The YPs took on Loudoun Youth Inc. as our beneficiary for the year (and hopefully a few more), if I wasn’t part of the YPs I’m not sure I would have found my way to getting involved in such an incredible organization. I’m very thankful for that!
7. What is your favorite memory at your job so far?
My favorite memory at my job so far was closing my first ‘big deal’. When I received word that we had won the opportunity, Jenn, the COO gathered the rest of the office and let them know what I had done. They all congratulated me and started clapping. They were amazed that in my first marketing sales position, I had closed such a large deal in such a short amount of time. It feels so good to have such a talented team supporting me and showing appreciation. Working for such a great company that I’m passionate about and believe in makes my job so much more enjoyable. And, that client is actually someone I met a few months ago at a Chamber Mixer, so clearly I’m a big advocate of the Chamber!
8. What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is getting to attend events and constantly meeting new people. I was always scared of having a ‘typical office job’ because I knew I’d never be happy sitting in front of a computer all day. This job keeps me out and about, exploring new places and meeting new people. As a social woman, I couldn’t be happier with these opportunities!
9. What is your favorite thing to do in Loudoun on the weekends?
As a local native to Loudoun County, I’ve explored many, many places in Loudoun. Now that the weather is getting nicer, my favorite things to do on the weekend in Loudoun are going for bike rides (especially around Morven Park), sipping on wine at local wineries (Stone Tower and Sunset Hills are my favorite right now), checking out breweries, and walking around Downtown Leesburg.
10. What is your favorite app?
My favorite app is probably Pandora. I love listening to music so having that app on my phone keeps the music flowing whether I’m driving in my car, cooking in my kitchen, or working out. Country music can always lift my mood!
11. Where is your favorite dinner spot in Loudoun right now?
My favorite place to go out to dinner in Loudoun right now is Sense of Thai. I love, love, love good food, so I eat out a lot and am always up for trying new restaurants. My friend Zach took me to Sense of Thai when they first opened (he shares that passion for great food with me) and I’ve probably been 80 times since. Those craft cocktails, talented mixologists, their delicious food, and creative atmosphere keep me a happy Lady!
12. What is a hidden passion of yours that people may not be aware of?
Passion. Hmmm. This is a tricky one to answer because people will give you all kinds of answers. When I initially tried to answer this question, lots of hobbies came to mind. I think others might say my passions are my family, traveling, cooking, my job, being outside, reading, writing, etc. But, I think those things are just hobbies. What I’m passionate about, is living a happy, fulfilling life. I never, ever want to feel like I just exist, I want so much more. I’m passionate about creating a happy life for myself and motivating loved ones to do that same. Some ways I’m passionately seeking to do that are to never allow myself to settle, to always seek new information, to stay outside of my comfort zone, to always take advantage of adventures that come my way, and to stay spontaneous.
Thanks Sadie! Check out the CBDx website here, and learn more about the Loudoun Young Professionals group here.