Chamber Insider Blog

Health & Wellness: Quit & Stay Quit Monday Campaign

Thank you to Jennifer Brady, Vice Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee  for this post!

It’s July, and chances are neither you nor your company’s employees are thinking about their New Year’s Resolution for 2020 or whether they fulfilled their resolution from 2019.

But what if you could provide an opportunity for employees to re-new their healthy behavior resolution every Monday?

The Monday Campaigns is an organization that collaborated with Johns Hopkins University to study what days of the week people were most likely to make (or attempt) a new health behavior, and the research was overwhelmingly consistent – Monday.

The VDH Tobacco Control Program has teamed up with The Monday Campaigns to present Quit and Stay Quit Monday, a free program designed to help tobacco users re-commit to their quit goal every Monday. The program is being piloted in 50 large companies (250+ employees) and will begin in mid-August and conclude in mid-November, right before the Great American Smokeout.

Participating businesses will receive the following:

  • Free promotional materials
  • A checklist for guidance on how to deliver the Quit Monday Campaign at your worksite
  • A Digital Promotion Calendar for a recommended schedule to promote motivational messages
  • Free Support from the Virginia Department of Health and Quit Monday teams

Don’t miss out on this great new initiative to keep your employees happy and healthy! If you are considering participating, please reach out to Shannon Raines, the Tobacco Control Coordinator for Northern Virginia. (703)-246-8639.