Chamber Insider Blog

2019 Committee Spotlight: Public Policy Committee

Thank you to Browning Herbert, Vice Chair of the Public Policy Committee, for answering a few of our questions. The Public Policy Committee meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 8 a.m. Learn more about the Public Policy Committee. 


1. What is the mission of your committee in your own words?

The committee has multiple parts to our mission. One is to create a public policy guideline that the Loudoun Chamber Members and Board of Directors are able to follow and reference as a road map. The second, is to create awareness of legislation, elections, and public policy events that impact Loudoun Chamber Members and Loudoun Citizens. That last item of our mission is to have an impact on legislation at the local and state level that protects our local businesses and enables them to grow and prosper without limitation.

2. What is your favorite part of being a part of your committee?

My favorite part of the committee is working with the other committee members to achieve a common objective that has an impact where we live work and play.

3. What is your favorite event that your committee hosts and why?

I think the candidate speed dating is my favorite event. It gives everyone the opportunity to meet candidates in their district, and outside of their district, so we all have a better idea of who we are working with so we can form better relationships.

4. What types of individuals would excel in this committee?

I think anyone who has an interest in helping drive business growth in Loudoun County would be great for the committee.

5. What are some of the committee’s 2019 goals?

  • Ensuring the Chamber has a meaningful impact in shaping the outcome of Loudoun 2040, the County’s comprehensive plan.
  • Ensuring that the candidates understand our business priorities by developing a strategy of proactive outreach to our local candidates informing them on our priorities and offering to help shape theirs.
  • Making the public policy committee an invaluable chamber resource, by regularly hosting local and regional leaders to speak about the relevant priority issues that directly affect our business community.