“Behind the Business” with Justin Dobson, of Comfenergy
Our new Q&A Series “Behind the Business” begins with Justin Dobson, owner of Comfenergy, who is an Ambassador for the Chamber, a member of LeadShare and The Green Business Committee. Thanks so much for chatting with us Justin!
- What is your favorite aspect of owning your own business? Tell us a little bit about what you do.
My favorite part of owning my own business is the challenge. Every day is a challenge. Some days you win, and some days you lose, but its all about the challenge of coming out a winner in the end and being able to see how that impacts the future of my business. I am VERY competitive person.
- What were the main stepping stones to get you to where you are today? (college degree, experience, mentors, etc.)
The main stepping stones that got me where I am today were:
A. Baseball: I played college and professional baseball. Baseball is a team sport and its all about failure. Baseball teaches you to fail and still come back willing to compete every day like yesterday didn’t even happen. The best players in the game of baseball FAIL 70% of the time!!
B. My Wife: Carolyn played a very important role in my decision to start my own business. She gave me the confidence to overcome the fear of beginning something new at the age of 40. She actually made me realize I wished I had started my own business 10 years ago.
- What would you recommend to any entrepreneur trying to start a business here in Northern Virginia?
Every new business owner should do 3 things once they start their business. The first, would be to connect with other like minded business owners to share experiences and help each other out. Loudoun County (and especially the Loudoun Chamber) offers a unique angle where I have never seen so many persons enjoy helping others succeed in business. It’s infectious, and I now enjoy meeting new businesses to help them succeed.
Secondly, work ON your business, not IN it. Don’t get so caught up in the day to day activities, or as I call it, “putting out fires”. Try to do something productive each day that will impact the future of your business and how it runs.
Third: Give back to the community. Find at least one non-profit to attach your business to. Help them but donating time, services, money, or anything you can give. This will bring a higher purpose for you and your employees.
- What is your favorite app?
To show you my age….the first thing that came to mind for my favorite app was a “bloomin onion”….(haha)
Then I realized you probably mean application on my phone. I don’t use it often, but I would say “Sound Hound”. I’m a big music geek and play “name that tune” every time a new song comes on the radio.
- Where is your favorite spot to hang out on the weekends in Loudoun?
Really any spot with my wife Carolyn. We enjoy the same things whether its going out to eat, to a winery, or just sitting on the couch or hanging around our property in Lucketts.